2016-03-15 Calendar of Aspects

2016-03-15 Calendar of Aspects

March 2016 (Mars Out)

Week 12 (W12)

After yesterday, today seems like a pause, the space between the notes that makes music.  But, three influential aspects perfect today, so do not expect too much rest for the weary.  And, today is the “Ides of March,” at least by the calendar.  (But, if we adjusted the calendar so that the Vernal Equinox began on March 1st, as was originally true with the Romans, then the Ides of March would occur on another day, probably about April 5th.)

2016-03-15 Sunout All Aspects (Daily)

[Click Image to Enlarge]

With Venus semisquare Uranus, we may feel an urgency to “seize” the moment and do something a bit kinky and unusual.  Chances are good that it will be a “stroke of genius” as well.  This aspect perfects 11:47 AM CDT.

Much earlier (and quite influential on March 14th as well), Mercury sextile Pluto perfects and tells us we must look at money and finances, particularly regarding taxes, police, and intelligence agencies.  As many already know from mundane sources, this aspect (along with the others, particularly yesterday’s patterns) tells us that today’s elections will likely be the most important turning points in the race, up to and possibly including the final election itself.

Mercury opposite Jupiter is an amplifier, especially in terms of communications and transportation.  Rhetoric will abound, not only with national politicians but with local ones as well including the ones you must tolerate on a day to day basis (i.e. your “boss” or “supervisor” or someone like that).  Eventually this will all blow over, but important things will be said both today and all week long.

2016-03-15 Calendar of Aspects

2016-03-14 Calendar of Aspects

2016-03-14 Calendar of Aspects

March 2016 (Mars Out)

Week 12 (W12)

We have written extensively about this day elsewhere concerning the amazing compendium of patterns that are present and just how important we believe March 14th (and March 15th) are as a turning point for many people.

2016-03-14 Sunout All Aspects (Daily)

[Click Image to Enlarge]

We will not duplicate our analysis of patterns here.  But, today is noteworthy for both (1) Venus Square Mars and (2) Mercury Square Saturn.  Venus square Mars days CAN be GREAT days for romance.  But, sometimes lovers fight on these days.  Sometimes both things are true!  If “it” is not about romance in your life, then you are in a position to scrutinize “how you get things done,” particularly in the arts and in spiritual matters.

Mercury Square Saturn is all about paying attention to details, especially in matters of transportation and communication.  It can also be about searching for, and rectifying, bookkeeping and accounting errors.  Do not be sloppy today.  Cross every “t” and dot every “i.”

Again: you will want to check the analysis of patterns for today.

2016-03-14 Calendar of Aspects