2016-03-30 Calendar of Aspects

2016-03-30 Calendar of Aspects

March 2016 (Mars Out)

Week 14 (W14)

Moon remains void (v/c) in Sagittarius until it enters Capricorn at 12:45 PM CDT.

2016-03-30 Sunout All Aspects (Daily)

[Click Image to Enlarge]

Today is very busy, and you will feel it.  Venus conjoins Chiron during the lunar void, and you will feel the need to “do something” about health (or education) needs.  You can act, but realize that you will likely need some kind of “do over” or adjustment after the Moon enters Capricorn.

Mercury squares Pluto, and some rather nasty power struggles can emerge.  If you are aware of a “situation” that is “brewing” then prepare for it.  Sun / Neptune adds a hazy feel to the day at times and the possibility of being swindled.  In the evening all of this can be channeled into creative works as long as they tend to have a practical “grounded” quality to them.

2016-03-30 Calendar of Aspects