2015-11-29 Calendar of Aspects

2015-11-29 Calendar of Aspects

2015-11-29 Calendar

[Click Image to Enlarge]

From a little before 7 AM (CST, 8 EST, 5 PST) until a little before 7 PM, the Moon is void in Cancer.  Jim Shawvan describes this as an Opportunity Period, so certain things may be able to be accomplished.  But Sun is square Neptune and later conjunct Saturn, so chances are good you will encounter some challenges today.  For many, this will be a tough day when you receive a “wakeup call” of some kind.

2015-11-29 Calendar of Aspects

2015-11-28 Calendar of Aspects


2015-11-28 Calendar of Aspects

2015-11-28 Calendar

Venus is irritated by both Saturn (reality) and Neptune (dreams).  None of it fits, and we feel it in our relationships, health, and finances.  Most or all of it is minor irritation that stirs us to take action.  Subtle insights come by evening, and we receive a hint as to how to solve the problem (if we are paying attention).  We have a Square Key on this date also, emphasizing that this is a day of “learning” and “lessons.”  (Some of them frustrating at times.)

2015-11-28 Calendar of Aspects

2015-11-24 Calendar of Aspects

2015-11-24 Calendar of Aspects

2015-11-24 Calendar

 Tuesday is flavored by Mars quincunx Neptune earlier in the day giving us a stream of false hopes, mis-communications, and general confusion.  That sets the stage for our reaction, later in the day, in which Mercury conjunct Saturn insists that we review the details and iron out any possible bugs in whatever it is we are working on.  Chances are good that if you persist in “crossing every ‘t’ and dotting every ‘i’” you will greatly benefit from the effort expended.

That said, we note that Sun sesquiquadrate Uranus perfects early at 8:14 am CST (9:14 EST / 6:14 CST).  This is another one of those aspects that produces an annoyance with some unexpected event that has a gift hidden within it in the form of a useful insight.  Mars quadrinovile Chiron emphasizes that, particularly with regard to health or educational issues.  Today may contain halts and starts, but, again, if you focus yourself in the evening you can accomplish something important.  Despite the problems we mention, today would be an excellent day to start an exercise plan.

Shortly after Mars quincunx Neptune perfects, typically making a mess, a higher order Mercury / Uranus aspect perfects.  A gift is hidden in this mess, and chances are good you can find it if you look for it.

We note that Moon goes v/c at 7:25 PM CST (8:25 EST / 5:25 PST), so whatever you work on this evening may need to be revised or revisited at another time, likely tomorrow (Wednesday).  This void begins a few hours before Mercury conjunct Saturn.  We think this is one of those rare cases where we can recommend for most people to go against conventional wisdom and to persist in your efforts during the void anyway, at least until Mercury conjunct Saturn perfects.

The foundation you lay today will help you take advantage of the larger opportunity (that will show itself in the form of a Kite) tomorrow when the Full Moon of November 2015 perfects.

This is an odd day where you can expect resistance and a need to re-do and re-visit later, but should persist anyway.  Later, in hindsight, you will understand why.  (Make notes in your journal about today.)

2015-11-24 Calendar of Aspects

2015-11-23 Calendar of Aspects

2015-11-23 Calendar of Aspects

2015-11-23 Calendar

The fact of the matter is that you can get things done today, but you might encounter some obstacles or weirdness along the way.  Endeavor to persevere.

Today is quite busy with Mars sextile Saturn bringing a coalition of kinds between police / intelligence agencies and banks & financial institutions.  We may not SEE it in the news, but it is happening.  Whether it is “good” or “bad” remains to be seen.

Venus opposite Uranus tells us that the Internet and digital communications in general are part of this drama, and in our personal lives some of us will have a tendency to get a bit kinky.  The LGBT community may find itself stirred up on this day, and sometimes this aspect is associated with so called “May-December” romances.  (Venus opposite Saturn more so, but this aspect also.)  For some people, maybe many people, it is a “50 Shades of Gray” kind of day.

Venus is also quincunx Chiron, giving us false hopes regarding health issues, teaching issues or both.  This aspect will contribute substantially to the weirdness of the day, but persevere anyway.  You can get things done in spite of it.  And, along the way, pause to re-evaluate your health and education goals.  A little message may come to you today indicating that you have been unrealistic in one or both of these.

2015-11-23 Calendar of Aspects

2015-11-22 Calendar of Aspects

2015-11-22 Calendar of Aspects

2015-11-22 Calendar

Sunday of Week 48 of 2015, November 22nd, is mostly a quiet day characterized by the Sun’s entry into Sadge, the Moon becoming v/c in early afternoon, and mostly higher order aspects.  A Thor’s Hammer pattern is in play, so people may be irritable or even dangerous.  But, mostly, it is a day of rest for most people.

2015-11-22 Calendar of Aspects