2016-09 W40: Forecasts for Week 40 of 2016

Weekly Forecasts

2016-09 W40: Forecasts for Week 40 of 2016


Sunday we begin to feel the Sun / Jupiter conjunction of Monday. Both Sunday and Monday are extremely “lucky” days, so grab it all as best you can. But please do understand that much of your “luck” will come from “cleaning house” and leaning out your life. Eliminate the superfluous. Tuesday is a “day off” day, and especially good for “housecleaning.” (Most of the week is good for that.)

Wednesday is another cleanup day, it much of Wednesday is about “hard work.” Clear out anything that is not serving you, and wrap up old project that you wish to no longer address. Thursday is much like Tuesday, and (again), we emphasize cleaning out and wrapping up. Friday is a feel good day, and some remarkable insights can come your way. Write it all down. The New Moon brings a fresh start…

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2016-09 W40: Forecasts for Week 40 of 2016

2016-09 W39: Forecasts for Week 39 of 2016

Weekly Forecasts

2016-09 W39: Forecasts for Week 39 of 2016


We have a busy week this week.  Depending on your time zone, Mercury stations direct on either the 21st or 22nd (but we feel the station all week long, and probably felt it last week).  In most time zones, the Autumnal Equinox (aka “first day of Fall”) is the 22nd.  By themselves, those two signal major shifts.

Sunday, Venus opposes Uranus, and that would be enough, by itself, to make the day “interesting.”  The Moon joins that mix, joining Uranus and opposing Venus.  What could that mean?  Septile aspects abound, some of them outer planet, and we feel massive “karma.”  Monday the Moon has two quincunxes that some people MIGHT call a yod.  If so, a decision is at hand, probably a minor one that Mercury forces us to revisit later.  A sesquiquadrate gives us a sense of urgency, and noviles…

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2016-09 W39: Forecasts for Week 39 of 2016

2016-09-16 Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon; Rosetta + T-Squares)


2016-09-16 Appulse Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon)

First of all, let’s clarify the basic message of this Full Moon / Eclipse: you have much to accomplish in the next month to eighteen months, some of the projects are overdue, you have the energy to do it if you can avoid unproductive and unnecessary anger (note that SOME anger, sometimes, CAN be productive!), and you will have to form temporary allegiances with people who have the potential to later betray you.  THAT is the basic message.

How do we get this?  First, Mercury is Retrograde and less than a week away from the Direct Station.  This FM/Eclipse must involve projects on hold, details that must be attended to, and the resurrection of old projects whose time has come.

Next, since this is a Full Moon, it will govern the next two weeks the strongest but could govern a period of up to…

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2016-09-16 Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon; Rosetta + T-Squares)

2016-09 W38: Forecasts for Week 38 of 2016

Weekly Forecasts

2016-09 W38: Forecasts for Week 38 of 2016


The Full Moon of September 16th, a Lunar Appulse Eclipse that corresponds to the Full Moon of August 18th, dominates the week along with Jupiter’s entry into Libra last week and perfection of Saturn square Neptune last week.  Monday, Retrograde Mercury squares Mars, something that happens a number of times this year, and tempers fly and rage leads to unfortunate events and violence.  Tuesday, the annual Sun square Mars aspects amplifies problems with rage and violence.  Wednesday, septiles bring us more issues of “karma,” continuing from last week.  Mars square Chiron on Thursday brings more heartache in the educational realm, healthcare, or both.  Venus Novile the North Node on Friday can bring us an insight or lesson, if we are paying attention.  Saturday Mars trines Uranus, bringing oddball accidents that somehow ultimately benefit us.  It is a tough week.



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2016-09 W38: Forecasts for Week 38 of 2016