Diamond Pattern (and more) 2016-03-14


Diamond Pattern (and more) 2016-03-14

As we have said elsewhere: “International Math Day, Pi Day, or Einstein’s Birthday: take your pick.  (“All of the above” is the right answer here.)  Informally, the Moon forms a very loose grand cross with an opposition to Saturn and squares to Neptune and Jupiter.  You will either accomplish much or nothing at all.  (No in-betweens on this one.)”

But we also have a Diamond Pattern today, and these are uncommon.  We have five of these in 2016, and one begins today.  This reminds us of the Focused Yod and Diamond that occurred a few hours after the Winters Solstice 2012 (aka “The End of the World”).

Today is so heavily patterned and sophisticated that, arguably, it might be easier to list what is NOT present today: Star of David variants, Quintile Kites, Grand Quintiles, Mystic Rectangles, Hard Rectangles, Double Yod Keys, or Stretched…

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Diamond Pattern (and more) 2016-03-14

2016-03-12 Calendar of Aspects

2016-03-12 Calendar of Aspects

March 2016 (Mars Out)

Week 11 (W11)

Venus enters Pisces today.  This is great for creatives, one of the best possible situations, but not so good for finances.  Similar to yesterday (except that it is with us for a few weeks), this empowers scammers.  Put off major purchases for a few weeks if at all possible.  Certainly avoid speculative endeavors.  As mentioned before, the best use of these few weeks is in developing your abilities with writing poetry or lyrics, photography, or videography.  Other arts may flourish also, but the ones explicitly mentioned work best.

2016-03-12 Sunout All Aspects (Daily)

[Click Image to Enlarge]

Mars novile Black Moon Lilith this day gives a bit of temptation to explore the taboo.  Just be careful if you go down that road.

2016-03-12 Calendar of Aspects