2016-03-12 Calendar of Aspects

2016-03-12 Calendar of Aspects

March 2016 (Mars Out)

Week 11 (W11)

Venus enters Pisces today.  This is great for creatives, one of the best possible situations, but not so good for finances.  Similar to yesterday (except that it is with us for a few weeks), this empowers scammers.  Put off major purchases for a few weeks if at all possible.  Certainly avoid speculative endeavors.  As mentioned before, the best use of these few weeks is in developing your abilities with writing poetry or lyrics, photography, or videography.  Other arts may flourish also, but the ones explicitly mentioned work best.

2016-03-12 Sunout All Aspects (Daily)

[Click Image to Enlarge]

Mars novile Black Moon Lilith this day gives a bit of temptation to explore the taboo.  Just be careful if you go down that road.

2016-03-12 Calendar of Aspects

2016-03-11 Calendar of Aspects

2016-03-11 Calendar of Aspects

March 2016 (Mars Out)

Week 11 (W11)

Today you may feel an urgent need to get things done, but that may not go so well unless you are working writing poetry or song lyrics, doing a photoshoot, or making a video or movie.  Scammers and thieves will tend to be more active today, so make certain you do not believe anything a stranger says or buy what they try to sell you.  Even family members may be suspect.  Stick to the poetry or photography.

2016-03-11 Sunout All Aspects (Daily)

[Click Image to Enlarge]

Mars semisquare Pluto is the source of needing to “get things done” and it may lead to tempers flaring or even violence.  We have all been on edge at least since last weekend (and, arguably, since 2011 when the first Uranus / Pluto square perfected).

Sun opposes North Node, and we may need to deal with some “hard karma” today that will help us grow as a person.



2016-03-11 Calendar of Aspects

2016-03-10 Calendar of Aspects

2016-03-10 Calendar of Aspects

March 2016 (Mars Out)

Week 11 (W11)

This is a busy day with a number of higher order aspects perfecting.

2016-03-10 Sunout All Aspects (Daily)

[Click Image to Enlarge]

 Here is the list of aspects (Sunout) for today:

Ven (1) Spt Ura (3)
Mer (2) Spt Plu (12)
Mer (2) Nov Ura (3)
Ven (1) QNv Jup (8)
Mar (10) TrUn Nep (2)
Ven (1) Qnt Sat (11)
Sun (2) Cnj Chi (2)

We note Sun conjunct Chiron today.  This is an annual aspect that brings health, education, mentoring, and “the Wounded Healer” to the forefront.  Venus quadrinovile Jupiter tells us that we can learn an important lesson or skill that will serve us well in the future.  Keep in mind that this might seem like something trivial because Quadrinoviles often bring us skills that are useful in the future (but not yet currently).  Mercury novile Uranus may bring us one or more additional lessons.  Venus quintile Saturn may also bring us a smart, but practical, idea.  Septiles suggest that we help someone less fortunate than ourselves.

2016-03-10 Calendar of Aspects

2016-03-09 Calendar of Aspects

2016-03-09 Calendar of Aspects

March 2016 (Mars Out)

Week 11 (W11)

We are a day past the Solar Eclipse, and we can start thinking about taking action on some of the ideas that we have noted on previous days.

2016-03-09 Sunout All Aspects (Daily)

[Click Image to Enlarge]

BUT, the Moon remains v/c (void of course) from yesterday until 1:39 PM CST.  That means we have to wait until some time after 1:39 PM CST to make our desired launch today.  Keep in mind that the further you can move away from a “sign change boundary” the better (unless you have Venus or Jupiter near the cusp of Aries).  That means later in the day as much as possible.

With the North Node semisextile Black Moon Lilith (both points in space, so to some degree this reflects the Earth’s alignment at this time), we have taboo topics (especially taboo sexual topics) bubbling to the surface and may face some “hard karma” in dealing with them.  Today is anything but ordinary for many (if not most) people.  Venus Novile Pluto says we can learn a lesson here (both can, and do, deal with Love (Venus) and Sex (Pluto)).  Venus is also TriSeptile the North Node, and this brings the idea that doing a totally selfless (best if anonymous, also) act to help someone else might relieve at least a little of our “hard karma.”

Expect a few shakeups today (and maybe some surprising revelations); if you wait until afternoon (later is better) you can accomplish a few important results.


2016-03-09 Calendar of Aspects

2016-03-07 Calendar of Aspects

2016-03-07 Calendar of Aspects

March 2016 (Mars Out)

Week 11 (W11)

2016-03-07 Sunout All Aspects (Daily)

[Click Image to Enlarge]

You will still feel Sun square Saturn from yesterday as well as Jupiter quincunx Uranus and Mercury semisquare Pluto (and other aspects).  Today Mercury is semisquare Uranus, marking Mercury at the midpoint in the dissolving square between Uranus (Aries) and Pluto (Capricorn).

Given Mercury’s recent square to Mars (which repeats a number of time this year), we offer that many people are “on edge” and violence and danger can erupt over even the most trivial dispute.  Alternatively, some people may need to “stand their ground” in certain cases.  A long lunar void of course affects the period of time from 2:46 AM CST until 1:08 PM CST, and we are in the “Dark of the Moon.”  That means that these disputes can yield anything of lasting benefit and can only offer harm (unless you are forced to defend yourself and cannot safely withdraw from the situation).

Mars is quintile Jupiter, and many of us can learn lessons from these uncomfortable events.  Lessons can be learned and skills can be developed.  The moon is very old, and this can be a good time to obtain a glimpse of the future.  But, reserve action until some time after tomorrow.

2016-03-07 Calendar of Aspects

2016-03-06 Calendar of Aspects

2016-03-06 Calendar of Aspects

March 2016 (Mars Out)

Week 11 (W11)

2016-03-06 Sunout All Aspects (Daily)

[Click Image to Enlarge]

After last week, you may want a break but Sun square Saturn will not give you one.  Duty calls in some form, maybe business or family, and you must attend to it.  Much chatter will emerge, and some of it may be continued disputes form the recent Mercury / Mars aspect (and change of signs).  Lessons can be learned and skills can be developed.  Pay attention.  Get things done.  And, when you get a chance, give yourself a break and get some rest anyway.

2016-03-06 Calendar of Aspects