2016-03-04 Calendar of Aspects

2016-03-04 Calendar of Aspects

2016-03-04 Sunout All Aspects (Daily)

[Click Image to Enlarge]

Mercury squares Mars, and that says it all.  Females could especially be on the warpath.  Issues of education and healthcare are in play.  Important lessons, subtle ones, can be learned by those paying attention.  But, most importantly, be careful.  Mercury square Mars leads to fights, both physical and verbal, and actions you may regret and words that cannot be unspoken.

Moon in Capricorn can be heartless.  (Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolf Hitler, and Adam Lanza had Moon in Capricorn. So does George Clooney and Johnny Depp.  And so did Abraham Lincoln.  Which one would you rather be today?)

Please be extra careful.

2016-03-04 Calendar of Aspects

Thursday March 3rd 2016 (and a few days prior)


Thursday March 3rd 2016 (and a few days prior)

Moon moves into Capricorn at 4:01 AM CST, and a remarkably busy day begins.  Those of you at work or in traffic at 6:03 AM CST (within an hour of that time) have a good chance of experiencing a glitch of some kind; this might carry through for the remainder of the day.  But this day contains opportunities to learn and develop an important set of skills, and an opportunity to make amends for past wrongs may exist.  Mercury novile Pluto brings one important set of lessons, and Venus binovile Mars brings another.

We think today could be an important turning point for some people (especially, but not limited to, Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn).

Moon in Capricorn puts on the brakes, and we hope you fully accomplished your objective, or at least made a milestone, yesterday.  Moon in Capricorn in the…

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Thursday March 3rd 2016 (and a few days prior)