2016-03-28 Calendar of Aspects

2016-03-28 Calendar of Aspects

March 2016 (Mars Out)

Week 14 (W14)

Moon enters Sagittarius 1:47 AM CDT and remains active until it turns void when Moon squares Venus tomorrow night at 8:56 PM CDT.

2016-03-28 Sunout All Aspects (Daily)

[Click Image to Enlarge]

Venus Sextile Uranus is the most obvious influence of the day, and it say that we will receive surprises and possibly insights (maybe major change) involving finances, beauty, health, or something else similarly Venusian.  Outer planet aspect seem quiet EXCEPT that Ceres (diet, food, and more generally prosperity) perfects an opposition to Hygieia (health and healthcare).  For some people, maybe many people, some “surprise” may emerge that involves finances and healthcare.  (More likely than not this is an unanticipated expense rather than a refund.  But, who knows?)

2016-03-28 Calendar of Aspects

2016-03-18 Calendar of Aspects

2016-03-18 Calendar of Aspects

March 2016 (Mars Out)

Week 12 (W12)

A relatively benevolent Moon v/c begins after midnight (Moon Trine Sun) and ends near 4 AM CDT with the entry of the Moon into Leo.  The moon is more quiet today than yesterday, with quincunx aspects to Venus (afternoon) and Neptune (evening).  You may encounter a few glitches, but for most people they will be forgetten in a day or two and certainly by next week.

2016-03-18 Sunout All Aspects (Daily)

[Click Image to Enlarge]

Outer planet aspects are far more busy (yesterday was relatively quiet with a Ceres / Uranus aspect bring a surprise regarding our prosperity (“The Visa is maxed out? Again?)).

Mars sesquiquadrate Uranus brings us some sense of urgency (possibly anger) to “get things done.”  Chiron opposite North Node (“Rahu” to some) means it is conjunct the South Node (“Ketu”) and, therefore, we have a temptation to “take the easy way out” or “cut corners” regarding some issue involving healthcare, education, or both.  (Don’t do it!)

Pallas does BiQuintile Hygeia, and we CAN have a brilliant insight into how to solve problems today.  Just focus your efforts, do not get derailed, do not cut corners, and do the work necessary.

Tomorrow brings the Vernal Equinox for most of the United States (except the East Coast that experiences a half hour past midnight EDT on March 20th and UK / EU which experiences it in the early morning hours on March 20th).  Things will change.

2016-03-18 Calendar of Aspects

Sunday, October 25, 2015: Venus Conjunct Jupiter (and more!)

Sunday is another rough and tumble kind of day.  With Moon in Aries, fire signs tend to have SOME advantage.  Venus Conjunct Jupiter, third in the series, favors everyone but particularly earth signs and particularly Virgo in that group.  This is your day to buy a lotto ticket Virgo.  That may be more true metaphorically than literally, but you may have some special window available today.

Some rough spots are present.  Mercury (Libra) quincunx Chiron (Pisces) and Opposite Uranus (Aries) creates a state of panic for students who have assignments coming due and possible emerging healthcare issues for some people (particularly elderly and disabled).  As is always true, you must evaluate how the mix of aspects applies to your personal situation.  (See, also, this analysis.)

But, finish what you can today, for tomorrow you may not want to work (or be able to work) due to Moon v/c.

Sunday, October 25, 2015: Venus Conjunct Jupiter (and more!)

Friday, October 23: Sun Enters Scorpio and You are Tempted to Dig Deep

Friday, October 23: Sun Enters Scorpio and You are Tempted to Dig Deep

…but you should be careful regarding what you find.  You might find a surprise, something this is not quite what you expected.  Mars Quincunx Uranus tells of powerful unexpected events on this day.  Still, most of us will not be able to resist pushing the envelope even though Mars Opposite Chiron tells us that we probably should do just that: resist the temptation to overdo it.  If you must push so hard, maybe it should be in the area of a sexual experience with a regular partner, or at least that is what Venus Trine Pluto suggests.


Friday, October 23: Sun Enters Scorpio and You are Tempted to Dig Deep