2016-04-02 Calendar of Aspects

2016-04-02 Calendar of Aspects

April 2016 (Mars Out)

Week 14 (W14)

Days this benevolent are rare and hard to find.  Today is a good day to “take off” not because you need to hide or clean house but just because it is likely to be “fun” for most people.  We need those kinds of days every so often.

If you must work, you will tend to “get things done” and may have some insights.

2016-04-02 Sunout All Aspects (Daily)

[Click Image to Enlarge]

A late evening glitch (Moon Quincunx Jupiter) may put a pamper on partygoing, but most people can move beyond it and find some kind of alternative fun.  A high order Sun / Neptune aspect adds a hint of poetry.  (Neptune also has two other aspects today: a sextile to Vesta (traditions) and a quadrinovile to Astraea.  It is likely a fun day as long as you do not “overdo it.”)

One warning: Chiron opposes Hygeia, and this puncuates that you MUST take care of certain health issues.  Do it.

2016-04-02 Calendar of Aspects

2016-03-28 Calendar of Aspects

2016-03-28 Calendar of Aspects

March 2016 (Mars Out)

Week 14 (W14)

Moon enters Sagittarius 1:47 AM CDT and remains active until it turns void when Moon squares Venus tomorrow night at 8:56 PM CDT.

2016-03-28 Sunout All Aspects (Daily)

[Click Image to Enlarge]

Venus Sextile Uranus is the most obvious influence of the day, and it say that we will receive surprises and possibly insights (maybe major change) involving finances, beauty, health, or something else similarly Venusian.  Outer planet aspect seem quiet EXCEPT that Ceres (diet, food, and more generally prosperity) perfects an opposition to Hygieia (health and healthcare).  For some people, maybe many people, some “surprise” may emerge that involves finances and healthcare.  (More likely than not this is an unanticipated expense rather than a refund.  But, who knows?)

2016-03-28 Calendar of Aspects

Tuesday October 20th: Venus Conjunct Hygeia

Tuesday October 20th: Venus Conjunct Hygeia

2015 is nearing the end with only a little more than two months to go.  On this date, Tuesday, October 20, 2015, the Moon is void most of the day.  Much of what you do will tend to not bear fruit or have an odd outcome.  It is a bit like asking the wish of the genie and having them grant it only to find that it really does not suit you.

Venus is conjunct Hygeia, and health and health issues come to the forefront.  A Hele leads to polarization with groups, but much of their effort does not produce precisely what they desire.  If you did not get it done on Monday, then take a day off on Tuesday and watch the others in the fray.  Wednesday brings a fresh start in some minor way that will seem refreshing.

Tuesday October 20th: Venus Conjunct Hygeia