2016-08 W36: Forecasts for Week 36 of 2016

Weekly Forecasts

2016-08 W36: Forecasts for Week 36 of 2016


August ends this week and September begins.  Labor Day has not yet arrived, yet we more fully feel that Summer is over.  Sunday is mostly quiet though we do have the karmic Venus triseptile Uranus.  Venus also forms a quintile to Saturn, and brilliant insights can be had about practical matters.  The Moon is waning and headed toward the New Moon on Saturday.  Monday Venus enters Libra, and relationships become particularly important.  If we had wild sex last week with someone new, then it is time to make a decision whether or not we are willing to publicly acknowledge that romance.  Mars squares the North Node, and karma is in play (meaning we will reap what we have sewn).  Mercury joins Venus, and chatter about relationships and romance are amplified.  Mercury finally makes the Retrograde station on Tuesday, and we have…

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2016-08 W36: Forecasts for Week 36 of 2016