2016-02-12 Calendar of Aspects

2016-02-12 Calendar of Aspects

2016-02-12 Sunout All Aspects (Daily)

[Click Image to Enlarge]

Sun is quincunx the North Node, and we need to STOP if we are engaging in misguided efforts to “help” someone.  This is a time when bad legislation will likely be passed, legislation that does far more harm than good, and judicial decisions and opinions are handed down that do precisely the same: more harm than good.  (That is true both yesterday and today.)  Do know that you can obtain special insights and knowledge today, but postpone acting on them until some later, better, day.  Though the Moon is not void, stick to routine if you can.  And, do write down those insights.  You really can use them later.

2016-02-12 Calendar of Aspects