Sun Enters Aries (Vernal Equinox) 2016-03-19 (Focused Yod)


Sun Enters Aries (Vernal Equinox) 2016-03-19

The Vernal Equinox occurs March 19th in most of the United States and March 20th in UK / Europe.  (Click here for more about the change of seasons in 2016.)  We have a Focused Yod present.  That pattern requires you to make a decision (choose wisely!) but also gives you the power to “get things done” once you have made that decision.  That pattern occurring at this time will give you both a similar requirement and a similar advantage until at least the Summer Solstice and possibly as long as the Vernal Equinox in 2017.

Here is the chart for the Vernal Equinox of 2016, filtered for the Focused Yod:

Sun Enters Aries (Vernal Equinox) 2016-03-19 (Focused Yod)

[Click Image to Enlarge]

Beginner’s Version of exact same chart with same filtering:

Sun Enters Aries (Vernal Equinox) 2016-03-19 (Focused Yod) Beginners

[Click Image to Enlarge]

Other patterns are also present, including a Hele and a Square Key.

Here is the same…

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Sun Enters Aries (Vernal Equinox) 2016-03-19 (Focused Yod)

2016-03-19 Calendar of Aspects

2016-03-19 Calendar of Aspects

March 2016 (Mars Out)

Week 12 (W12)

In most of the United States, except the Eastern Time Zone (EDT), the Vernal Equinox greets us late tonight.  (EU / UK experience this a half past 5 or half past 6 or later depending upon time zone.)

2016-03-19 Sunout All Aspects (Daily)

[Click Image to Enlarge]

Sun biseptiles Saturn, and we should consider resolving some old karma or helping someone less fortunate than ourselves or both.  Sun quintiles Pluto, and we may encounter a very ingenious idea that either (a) helps us with the biseptiles (helping someone else) or (b) gives us a gift in the form of a smart idea that comes from providing said help.  In any case, they go together and they set the stage for the days to come at least until the Summer Solstice (late June) or possibly as long as the Vernal Equinox of next year (late March).  Venus septile Pluto confirms this emphasis on helping others.

Venus novile Uranus provides us with a gift of some sort this evening, an insight or useful skill, likely resulting from helping others (or maybe an insight because we failed to help; those can be hard lessons sometimes).  This novile signals a coming Venus / Uranus conjunction where we may enter into “unusual” relationships (or GLBT) or have ideas for particularly unusual or creative art (or money management).

Marsout aspects (outer planet aspects) are silent / absent today.

The Vernal Equinox happens 11:30 PM CDT / 10:30 PM MDT / 9:30 PM PDT and after midnight on March 20th 12:30 AM EDT on the east coast.  A new annual cycle for the Sun begins, and this is the beginning of the “Astrological New Year” as well.

2016-03-19 Calendar of Aspects

2016-02-12 Calendar of Aspects

2016-02-12 Calendar of Aspects

2016-02-12 Sunout All Aspects (Daily)

[Click Image to Enlarge]

Sun is quincunx the North Node, and we need to STOP if we are engaging in misguided efforts to “help” someone.  This is a time when bad legislation will likely be passed, legislation that does far more harm than good, and judicial decisions and opinions are handed down that do precisely the same: more harm than good.  (That is true both yesterday and today.)  Do know that you can obtain special insights and knowledge today, but postpone acting on them until some later, better, day.  Though the Moon is not void, stick to routine if you can.  And, do write down those insights.  You really can use them later.

2016-02-12 Calendar of Aspects