2016-07 W30: Forecasts for Week 30 of 2016

Weekly Forecasts

2016-07 W30: Forecasts for Week 30 of 2016


The early part of the week is dominated by the Full Moon on Tuesday after a very “karmic” day on Sunday.  Sun becomes void shortly past midnight (CDT) on Sunday and remains void until early Friday.  That makes accomplishment of lasting results during this period, most of the week, somewhere between difficult and impossible.  If you do get results, they will tend to be perverse or oddball.  Mercury is highly active this week, and many of the aspects are disruptive.  Arguments, fights, car problems, plane crashes, and similar will be the norm.  Telecommunications may be knocked out; traffic jams will likely be prevalent.  “Things” get better Friday, and Saturday is a “breakthrough day” for some people (perhaps many).


This is a curious “mixed” kind of day where some people can “jump out of” astrology forecasts, karma, and almost anything else…

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2016-07 W30: Forecasts for Week 30 of 2016