Saturday January 30th 2016


Saturday January 30th 2016

Saturday feels like the “pause before the storm,” or, more likely, “the eye of the hurricane.”  “Things” may calm down some, but this Moon is void and this day is bracketed by the Mercury conjunct Pluto aspect of Friday and the Mercury square Uranus aspect of Sunday.  Can you “get things done”?  Maybe.  But you should avoid major purchases or disputes or both, and we favor this day for housecleaning and taking care of routine matters.  We do think some people can prosper on this date, particularly financial or tax auditors looking for financial misdeeds.  (But, do not be surprised if the evidence “disappears.”)

Venus Sextile Neptune lends a “feel good” quality to the day, and we may be overoptimistic and believe in people, places, and situations that will not last.

Saturn perfects a particularly exotic higher order Novile aspect to the node, and hidden in all…

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Saturday January 30th 2016