Saturday, January 9th 2016


Saturday, January 9th 2016

Saturday is a day of subtle aspects (Noviles) and a New Moon, just two days past Sun Square Uranus and Jupiter Retrograde Station.  Noviles can bring acquisition of special skills and the Uranus square can brings insights, but this is a Capricorn New Moon during Mercury Retrograde.  Keep those new ideas practical if you plan to implement them, write down the weirder ones for later review, and know that any new projects you start may need tuning or review later this month or in February.  While technically this is the “weekend,” in many ways it feels a bit like a workday.  Take advantage of that but proceed carefully and methodically.

Venus conjunct Saturn is in play, currently, and we think that is (at least) as important as the New Moon (for some people).  While that aspect can be interpreted a number of ways, we will…

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Saturday, January 9th 2016